How I setup a mobile car valeting business successfully for 7 years!
Why I started my own mobile valeting business
Updated Monday 4th Dec 2023: Hi, My name is Keith. I wrote this article about ‘how to start a mobile car valeting business’ quite a few years ago now but I keep coming back to it to make sure it is still relevant in 2023. Everything in this article is based on my own experiences owning a mobile valeting business alongside a number of other small businesses also outlined on the website.
I got my first ever job at 16 years old as a car valeter for a car dealership. I worked at the dealership for a couple of years before I setup my mobile valeting business when I was 18 years old and continued to run my small mobile valeting business until I was 25.
The plan for the business for me was to earn some extra cash in my spare time and on weekends whilst I was at college training to become a plumber.
At the time there was absolutely nobody in my area who had started and ran a mobile car valeting business. I didn’t even know if it had ever been done before (bearing in mind I started my business around 15 years ago now). I couldn’t google it, I couldn’t find anything online about this business at the time so everything I learnt came from trial and error.
How I managed to save money and start my small business
The savings I had from my first job managed to buy my first car for £3,400. After 6 months owning my first car I decided to sell it and use the money and the rest of my savings to start my valeting business.
I bought a Ford Fiesta – car derived van. Definitely not the best start I know. I had no idea how i was going to source water so I managed to buy a gardening water butt from homebase. I cut a hole in the bottom, fitted a tap and a hose and away i go. Most of the time I had to suck water from the hose to pull it through and into the pressure washer.
Once the water butt was full and I had the rest of the valeting equipment in the van my poor little fiesta van was practically doing a wheelie but even so, i would still manage to run out of water half way through a job. My generator was was too powerful for the induction motor of my pressure washer (which surges on startup).
At the dealership I worked at i managed to ruin some alloy wheels by using the incorrect dilution for wheel cleaning acid and managed to burn through paint work on a dealership car because i had machine buffed it for too long.
It’s safe to say, I made many mistakes along the way.
Why I wrote “How to start a mobile valeting business”
Originally this guide was part of a longer ebook which I used to sell on ebay. I bought a special printer which could print directly onto a CD to make the ebooks look more professional. I managed to sell plenty of the cd’s on ebay because at the time the information just wasn’t available. This lasted for just over a year before Ebay changed the rules and I could no longer sell the ebook.
I had to find another solution. I was learning how to build websites at the time and planned to transition into web design. With that in mind I gathered the contents of the ebook and put it on to this website so that anybody else who was in the position I was at 18 and just starting out could find the information they needed.
The mobile car valeting business
Having successfully operated a mobile car valeting business for many years, I’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you kickstart your journey with confidence. Mobile car valeting is a fairly cheap and easy business to start due to the relatively cheap startup costs. But many people don’t realise that there is still a huge learning curve to overcome.
What is the most important thing to start a mobile car valeting business?
The most important thing to learn and improve on is your valeting skills and attention to detail. If you are an average valeter the income you make from a one man band is always going to be average. You might get the odd repeat job now and again but people can see what kind of job you have done and finding somebody else now is easier than it ever has been.
You know what kind of valeting skill level you are at by the feedback you receive. This is why it’s good to work for a company first or receive some kind of in person training so that you can be critiqued. Might sound like overkill but either the people you work with can tell you that your rubbish or you can spend thousands of pounds on starting your own business and let your customer can tell you, alongside her friends and probably half of facebook.
If you are a poor valeter and you know you need to improve, then you need to improve before you even think about starting. It’s very easy now for you to do a bad job, the customer sees spots that you have missed and would love the opportunity to post it on facebook. Your valeting business could die before you even start.
*TOP TIP: NEVER valet a car in poor lighting (car garage) or when it’s getting dark. I’ve done it before when the sun sets earlier in winter, the car looks amazing by the time you are finished, but it isn’t. look at it in the daylight and you will see all the spots missed.
So what exactly is mobile car valeting?

Mobile car valeting is a mobile car cleaning service. Professional car valeters will come to your location and have all the required mobile valeting equipment to clean your car from top to bottom and the skills and knowledge to make your car, not just clean and tidy, but sometimes it can make your car like new.
The real value in mobile valeting is the massive convenience of having a professional car cleaner come to your location and clean your car to a level that most people could never achieve. You could have your car cleaned whilst your at work. You could have it cleaned whilst you are at home or you could even have your car cleaned in a field if you wanted.
There are many occasions when mobile valeting isn’t just a luxury, but a necessity. For example, people in apartment buildings mostly do not have any access to an outside tap/electricity and space to clean their own car. Their option is to take it to a car wash which offers car valeting. So the customer has to leave their apartment, drive to the nearest car wash, wait around for an hour (mini valet) or get dropped off and pick the car up later (full valet) to then have to come back and be told it isn’t finished yet. Best scenario is that it’s wasted 1 hour out of your day but really its going to be a couple.
Why start your own mobile valeting business?
Running a mobile car valeting business can be a lucrative venture, but there are some points you may want to think about before you start to navigate the journey you are about to go on. But for now, here are a few reasons why you might want to start a mobile valeting business.
Low Barrier to Entry
Mobile car valeting is an attractive business option due to its low startup costs and relatively quick learning curve. With dedication and the right training, you can become proficient in car valeting within a few weeks. It will take much longer to become good though so keep that in mind. You should always be wanting to get better.
Easy to Acquire Initial Customers
Securing your first customers is relatively straightforward, especially when tapping into your existing network of friends and family. Word of mouth can be a powerful initial marketing strategy. Mentioning your about to start your business on facebook or Insta could bring out a few customers straight away.
Unlimited Earning Potential
The beauty of mobile car valeting lies in its scalability. As you secure more clients and refine your services, the potential for growth and increased income becomes massive.
As a mobile car valeting service you should find it fairly easy to get your first couple of customers once you have spoken to a few people you know – friends, family etc.
I am not however saying that a mobile car valeting business is easy to run and make a living from because building up a consistent cashflow in any business is never going to be that easy.
There are hundreds of people out there who do make a very good living from their mobile valeting business and there is so much flexibility – you could start to build clients on a weekend.
Is starting a mobile valeting business too competitive?
Well, to start with, you already know there are millions of cars on the road in the UK. The majority of car owners have 2 options available to them when their vehicle is dirty;
- They can clean it themselves.
- Or they can pay somebody to clean it for them. Its as simple as that.
Even in competitive locations i still believe the demand out ways to supply. But you can put the scales in your favour by marketing yourself the best! Better than your competitors are doing. So that more people see your business instead of your competitors.
If you combine some of the marketing skills I show you in this article with doing a really good job (because you are consistently getting better at valeting) then you are on to a winning combination.
Not many businesses have an income potential which is completely uncapped like this is. There are so many Cars, Vans, Lorries and even Boats out there which need cleaning, the real power lies in getting the work and keeping it.
If you can crack that, your earning potential is limitless. If you do 1 really good job, that 1 person might come back to you the following month, they might have also mentioned you to 2-3 other people. Those 2-3 other people might also return to you and also mention you to their friends. Before you know it, that one person has become 5 or 10.
Who wouldn’t want to start their own business, be your own boss, choose when you want to work. If you can get regular work, there is no reason why you can’t build up that regular income!
Your mobile car valeting income is only limited by you
You may have already started your valeting business and just checking your on the right track or want to earn a bit more money. Stick to doing a good job valeting and the business will retain customers and those customers will recommend you.
Do you do a better job than everyone else? Then you may be able to charge extra for your services once your busy enough obviously – I think this is a fairly sound a respected thing that all good businesses do. If you can do something better than somebody else, have the reputation and are already fairly busy then it makes sense to me that you do not charge the same amount as your competition.
Remember however you need a solid foundation of work and customers before you decide to hike your prices up more than your competitors. Make a name for yourself first and make sure you are busy with at least 1-2 regular full valets per day before increasing prices. If you can clean a car better than anyone else then your business will no doubt take off with the correct marketing.
Build a foundation of potential clients first
Sometimes getting started without a proper marketing strategy will be very tricky and you could find yourself scraping by to make ends meet. Word of mouth is your best form of advertising but there is a limit to the amount in which your customers talk about your services, certainly not enough to create a full weeks work regularly when starting out.
To start with, friends and family are great – you can valet their cars for cheap, take before and after pics and post them on your social media – fb and instagram work great. just put the word out there that you are staring your valeting business and see the reaction.
If you have recently been made redundant, lost your job, cannot find a job or looking for something part time/full-time to start then mobile car valeting may just be for you. Starting a mobile car valeting business can be lucrative and easy to start if you know which valeting equipment to buy and how to do the job.
Starting your mobile car valeting business
Start valeting cars locally
When you have you van, valeting equipment and know what your doing – your simplest route to finding work is speaking to friends and family. This can include setting up a business page on facebook and asking them to share it or maybe they just need to mention it to their friends at work.
Build a brand for your mobile valeting business
By building a brand you will look more professional and more people will remember you. To build a brand that people will remember; make sure the business name either stands out or is short. Abbreviations such as KTPL valeting may be too hard to remember or read when you speed past in your van.
Earn more money by upselling other car cleaning services
You may be able to charge that little bit extra by offering different services e.g a coat of carnauba wax or machine polish.
You could also offer detailing services which may cater to a different sector of the car cleaning market – opening up the potential for sales even more, not to mention cleaning Ferraris and Lamborghinis would be pretty cool.
People will pay that little bit extra for quality polishes/waxes and a better service.
Offer vouchers and incentives
If you offer your customers the chance to receive a free mini valet for referring your services to a friend you might be surprised at the amount of customers who would be willing to help. This is a great way to utilise your very best form of marketing which is word of mouth.
Plan for your mobile valeting business
Planning before you start your mobile car valeting business is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT things you should do. Doing your research is your first step towards setting up your car valeting business and it is CRUCIAL.
Check your valeting businesses competition
So I would imagine your not sure exactly what to do for your research? Wherever you are in the UK you will need to check your competition. If the competition is high in your area it could make things twice as hard for you to set-up your business and you may have to pay for marketing to get off to a good start before you are established.
Without knowing your competition beforehand you run the risk of spending all of your time and money after having forked out for your van, tools and cleaning chemicals only to find out there’s just too much competition in your area which will make it hard to get work. You still have options but it can cost money – money which you could have spent already because you didn’t do your research.
How to check your business competition in your area
By no means does having too much competition make it impossible but traditional means of getting your name out there may not be as effective. People who already get their car cleaned on a regular basis may already have somebody to do it for them. The good dealership contracts might be taken and google might be overrun with valeting business websites.
But look on the bright side, like i mentioned earlier, there are millions of cars on the road. Theres more than enough work to go around.
What to do if your area is too competitive?
So firstly I would advise you to use google to search for competitors. If your based in Sheffield then type “mobile car valeting in Sheffield”, or any other variations. Google business (the name for listings on google with the maps next to them) is usually the first thing you will see. Google business shows local businesses and is completely free to advertise.
You will see a small map, pinpointing where businesses are in your town/city so make a mental note of the first 5-10 and then try a couple of other sites, search facebook. If the same names keep coming up and they have reviews then you’ll know that more than likely these businesses will be your competition because they are the ones getting all the work.
So first thing to do is to mention your business to friends and family as mentioned above. I would recommend doing these jobs at “mates rates” when starting out. This will increase skills, help you get used to using your new valeting van setup etc.
Setup a facebook page and any other social pages you want to setup such as instagram, twitter(X) etc. Share these with friends and family. You can look into facebook ads which might also help boost customers but this costs money.
Get a google business page setup. To do this, follow this guide: Setup your own google my business account by following the instructions and you will receive a letter in the post with a passcode.
Return to your google business page and enter this code to activate your account. Once you have activated your account you may find lots of other services which can help you improve your website. Top tools include googles keyword planner and Adwords.
Aim to to get some reviews on all areas you can such as FB and google business.
You will find that the majority of new business will come from google. By new business – I mean customers which aren’t related to you or your friends on Facebook – people who have no ties and obligations to use your services.
Google is the biggest search engine and it seems to always bring in new work for businesses with a good website and good marketing in place. So make sure you have a website, use google business to setup your location and look into hiring an SEO to give your business a good head start.
The goal here is for your business to rank high in the search results for search terms such as “mobile valeting service Manchester”. To do this effectively your new website needs help with a specific type of marketing called SEO (search engine optimisation). Doing SEO on your website will help more people in google find your website and your service which will be key to growing your income.
*I build websites and provide SEO so if you need help, get intouch using the contact form.

Customer Research
Now that you have checked who your competitors and have a good idea of how to get your first few regular customers, you should figure out who you will aim your services towards. Some mobile valeting businesses only clean Trade/car dealership vehicles, some only private domestic customers, some Clean HGV vehicles.
I personally think a combination of most of these can really help keep your business busy. Ill list examples below of the different common types of customers you may come across as a mobile car valeter and the pro’s and cons of each:
Private customers: PROs:
- More profitable per hour
- You get to travel more
- Rarely work in the same place more than once
- Meet new people everyday
- Higher likelihood of tips to increase profits
- The work is not guaranteed
- Constant marketing costs to keep new clients coming in
- More time consuming travelling from job to job
- More chance you will be caught in the rain
Examples of private customers
- People in apartments who don’t have access to outside water
- Car owners who just don’t have the tools or cleaning chemicals
- The elderly most of the time cannot physically clean their vehicle
- Taxi firms need their cars clean for their customers
- General people who work and don’t have the time – cleaning at their work place is a big market
Trade Customers: PROs:
- Trade/Dealership work is a great way to achieve a guaranteed income
- Generally you will know how many vehicles will need cleaning per week/month.
- Frequently the work is indoors with shelter so you can work in all conditions.
- Getting to know dealers can help with your own motoring needs e.g cheap servicing, MOT and discounts
- You will need to lower your prices in return for frequent work.
- Payment is at dealer discretion, either weekly, bi-weekly etc
Examples of Trade contracts
- Used car dealerships
- Vehicle rental companies
- Ex lease vehicle companies
- Businesses with company vehicles
- Haulage company’s will need their wagons cleaning in and out.
Combining both markets
I would suggest you combine both private and trade work. You may find some weeks that private work is hard to come by, and the trade contract work will provide the cash flow you need. Cashflow is essential if you want to run a successful business. Splitting your work up can keep your business healthy.
For example, 2-3 Days visiting your contract cleaning work (e.g used car dealerships) and the remaining days can be used to book in private work which is more profitable per vehicle.
Budgeting for your Car valeting business Startup
How are you going to pay for the startup costs? How are you going to pay for expenses during the beginning stage when you aren’t making that much money? Grab a pen and paper or do this with your computer because you will need to make yourself a budget.
You will need to work out how much money you have to spend on this. Remember to include any tools, chemicals, van insurance, business insurance, marketing etc. I will go through a few things you should consider and a budget the further you read.
Research suppliers and get quotes:
You should research suppliers and get quotes for cleaning chemicals. You need to know if they deliver direct to you or do you pickup.
How would you get them if you find one day you had run out of something and you have to go to work? ALWAYS KEEP A BACKUP OF CHEMICALS! Will you use flyers and business cards to get your name out there?
You need to know how much these will cost you so call local printing services or use online services to provide cheap flyers and business cards. Will your van have a logo and number on the side? If so then you need to factor in this cost.
Google a few local van signage companies and get some quotes. Get quotes and prices for everything you will use every day and compare. I cover the Equipment needed in the links below to help with your budgeting.
Car valeting equipment you need to setup a valeting van
Now you have researched your competition, chosen your market and received each quote your need you can start acquiring your new car valeting equipment. Check out our full list of car valeting equipment which will tell you the main tools for a professional mobile car valeter.
Below I will go through the car valeting equipment I used during my 7 years of running a mobile car valeting business. So how much it costs will depend on how what equipment you buy, what type of van you choose and how well you are able to negotiate prices with suppliers. You can get an idea from the equipment list below.
First of all, you will obviously need a van. Do not try to work this business out of a car as some do, you WILL need a van. Even the car derived vans cannot cope with the weight of the tools and water – learn from my mistakes.
Usually you can get by with a small van such as a vauxhall combo or Citroen Berlingo and these vans come highly recommended because they are cheap and efficient. Once you have found your van start looking for your equipment.
Choosing your tools
I’ve outlined the products and tools I recommend below for a beginner mobile valeting business, you don’t need anything too fancy or expensive to get started. Don’t worry about getting the very best just yet.. get the business going first and then re-invest if you like. But remember, the equipment below is more than enough to do the perfect job – your pressure washer doesn’t need to be able to strip the paint off the car.
Electric pressure washer options:
Brand | Kärcher |
Power source | AC |
Colour | Yellow |
Maximum pressure | 130 Bars |
Item weight | 11.48 Kilograms |
Hose length | 8 Metres |
Specification met | CSA |
Product dimensions | 15.8L x 12W x 23.1H centimetres |
Maximum flow rate | 420 Litres Per Hour |
Brand | Kärcher |
Power source | AC |
Colour | Yellow/Black |
Maximum pressure | 20 Pound per Square Inch |
Item weight | 12 Kilograms |
Hose length | 8 Metres |
Specification met | CSA |
Product dimensions | 13.9L x 12.1W x 20.5H centimetres |
Maximum flow rate | 500 Litres Per Hour |
Brand | Kärcher |
Power source | Electric |
Colour | Yellow |
Maximum pressure | 15 Bars |
Item weight | 17.76 Kilograms |
Hose length | 10 Metres |
Specification met | CSA |
Product dimensions | 18.1L x 13W x 26.2H centimetres |
Tank volume | 1 Litres |
Maximum flow rate | 550 Litres Per Hour |
In my personal experience and 7 years in the mobile valeting game I think that electric pressure washers are in my opinion – better for mobile car valeting.
- They are considerably cheaper to buy than petrol/diesel pressure washers
- Cheaper to run (no petrol if plugged in on location)
- More reliable
- Easier to manoeuvre around cars on larger jobs
- Easier to lift in and out of the van.
A petrol pressure washer can also be purchased and can have some benefits over an electric pressure washer such as power and the ability to work fully mobile. So i’ll give a few options below.
Brand | ParkerBrand |
Colour | Red, Black |
Maximum pressure | 3100 Pound per Square Inch |
Item weight | 32.42 Kilograms |
Hose length | 8 Metres |
Specification met | CSA, CE |
Maximum flow rate | 4 Gallons Per Minute |
Brand | P1PE |
Power source | Corded Electric |
Colour | Orange |
Maximum pressure | 2990 Pound per Square Inch |
Item weight | 31 Kilograms |
Hose length | 12 Inches |
Specification met | REACH |
Product dimensions | 23.6L x 19.7W x 39.4H centimetres |
Tank volume | 8.7 Litres |
Petrol generator options:
Brand | Böhmer-AG |
Wattage | 6500 watts |
Fuel type | electric |
Power source | 240v |
Recommended uses for product | Camping |
Item weight | 40.5 Kilograms |
Voltage | 240 Volts |
Output wattage | 6500 Watts |
Special feature | Portable, Electric Start, Overload Protection, Automatic Shut Down |
Included components | Sockets |
Brand | Böhmer-AG |
Wattage | 7500 watts |
Fuel type | electric |
Power source | 240v |
Recommended uses for product | Residential |
Item weight | 86.2 Kilograms |
Voltage | 240 Volts |
Output wattage | 7500 Watts |
Special feature | Portable |
Included components | Sockets |
If you decide to get an electric pressure washer, remember that your generator must be powerful enough to power this (the more powerful your pressure washer, the more expensive the generator will be). Most electric pressure washers have an induction motor which takes 6 times the working power to start and a lot of power to run than you may think.
Therefore make sure you speak to someone who knows their power ratings when it comes to buying one. If you’ve decided to go with the petrol pressure washer then you just need to worry about the generator being powerful enough to power your vacuum and wet vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum cleaners
Dry Vacuums
Brand | Henry |
Model Number | HVR20011 |
Colour | Black/Red |
Product Dimensions | 34 x 37 x 36 cm; 8.1 Kilograms |
Capacity | 9 litres |
Volume Capacity | 9 litres |
Power / Wattage | 580 watts |
Material | Plastic |
Auto Shutoff | No |
Number of Speeds | 1 |
Operating Radius | 26.8 Metres |
As far as vacuums come almost any small vac would suffice, I always use a small henry vacuum because they are easy to manoeuvre around the vehicle, small and compact for storage, have a lot of power for their size. Most have the recoil wire for you to just wind back in after a job, saving LOTS of time and most of all frustration!
Wet Vacuum
Brand | Henry |
Model Number | GVE370-2 |
Colour | Green / Black |
Product Dimensions | 35.5 x 51 x 35.5 cm; 11 Kilograms |
Capacity | 9 litres |
Volume Capacity | 15 litres |
Power / Wattage | 1060 watts |
Material | Plastic |
Operating Radius | 26.8 Metres |
Noise Level | 78.7 dB |
Special Features | Bagged, HEPA Filter, HEPA Filtration |
Item Weight | 11 kg |
I would recommend spending the extra money on your wet vac. You preferably could do with the wet vacs which will pump shampoo into the seats with a trigger on the handle.
I use a Numatic George which has never let me down and does the job perfectly. If a George is out of your price range then just try a normal wet vac with no extraction unit for now which just requires a little bit more hard work.
Baffled Water tank:
There’s no need to go crazy on this and start looking at the massive IBC 1000ltr water tanks, these are way too big for the standard mobile car valeter although the IBC tanks are ideal if you plan on doing fleet washes. However you would need a bigger vehicle, like a flatbed/pickup capable of carrying higher loads.
Why people get these for car valeting is beyond me, usually the average you’ll need to clean a car is about 50-75 litres. At a push you could have enough time to do 3 full valets a day, that’s 150-225 litres so aim for a tank with about 250L plus and you’ll be fine for the odd mini/midi style valet if needed.
Cleaning Chemicals
Personally, I love Autosmart products. I’ve tried many different brands in the past but I would always recommend Autosmart. Depending on where you are in the UK they will also deliver to you on site! Which not many suppliers do.
The pack above provides all the products you need to give them a try. If you are happy, then I would suggest getting in touch with your local sales rep by calling Autosmart direct to purchase the 5l bottles because it works out cheaper.
Car valeting accessories
Snow foam lance:
This if used with the right chemical can do wonders for you. Attach it to your pressure washer and spray over your vehicle.
You can make your car look as if its been in the Arctic for a week. TIP: Clean the wheels whilst its still on followed by washing off.
Electric buffing machine:
Use with caution. If you haven’t used one before then try buy the machines with a speed adjustment and use on the lowest speed until you are used to it.
It comes as no surprise that nowadays most businesses have a website. If yours does not, you may run the risk of customers thinking your business isn’t very credible. You want to know that your pride and joy is going to be left in capable professional hands.
A combination of a good website, Facebook page and google business page would be the minimum I would suggest to get the more profitable private customers.
*we offer small business websites averaging around £400. Get in touch to find out more.
Cleaning chemicals are not on this list due to being supplied by your franchise dealer – whether that be autosmart, autoglym or whomever you decide to go with. I do have a small list of chemicals on my valeting equipment page. I always used Autosmart and have always been happy with their products.
The car cleaning industry is awash with different manufacturers and suppliers of car cleaning products so I will narrow it down a little for you to get you started. Once you know what you like you can test other brands to suit your needs.
Industry leading suppliers seem to be Auto-smart, autogylm, Dodo products and maguirs to name a few. I have always used Autosmart, the products I find are very competitive on price and are one of the best vehicle valeting products I have ever used.
My personal second choice would be autoglym. These two brands are more than enough to get you started for car valeting, Car detailing on the other hand would be a whole different kettle of fish and just isn’t covered in this article.
So there you go, that’s what I would class as a good basic vehicle valeting business set-up. Remember it doesn’t cost for a quote so go crazy and make sure you are getting the best deal.
Find the best possible quote you can or just find the best quality items you can for the best possible price.
Research your business by reading the “planning your business” section on this ebook, this will save you so much time in the Future by doing your planning now.
- Prepare your business plan
- Get all the quotes you can for absolutely everything which you will need.
- Raise the money which you will need to start your business.
- Buy yourself a van and buy the equipment which you have decided would be best for your business.
- Get yourself a land-line or use your mobile number for customers and get your logo and number ect put on your van
- Contact your nearest valeting supplier and get the products you’ll need.
- Open a business account
- Get a website
- Either find an accountant who will be willing to work for you or get a filling Cabinet to do your own tax returns.
- Buy public liability insurance
- Get your fliers and business cards printed
- Start telling everyone what you are doing, friends and family ect
- Post your flyers and hand out your business cards
- You’ll more than likely get a few jobs from friends and family so just do this to gain abit of experience of how you would valet a car mobile.
- Start advertising in local news papers, on your website ect
- Within 3 Months remember to inform HMRC.
Keep a record of your accounts That’s your basic mobile car valeting business set-up, ready to make money! No more working for other people and watching them reek the rewards for your hard work, you are in control of your own life!
Starting your own mobile valeting business can give you so much freedom and control over your life. You can make a good living. It’s HARD WORK though. Not just physically but mentally. Dealing with customers, tax returns, insurances and everything that goes on inbetween running a small business.
Remember that the more hard work you put in, the more you will benefit! You are your own boss now so if you don’t put the hard work in, don’t make sure each job is up to standard, you are going to be the one who is effected.
Thanks again, I really hope you have found my advice useful and I wish you the best of luck. If you need help and advice for your website and marketing it, just send me a message with any enquiries.
*Please note: I take no responsibility for any failed business attempts or any liability for advice given in this guide. I’m just sharing my knowledge in hopes that you can take as much or as little info as you need from it.